GuidelinesWiki Removal › Account

    Registered Members can remove their account account at any time. The removal of the account will cause the wiki, page and all photos to be scheduled for permanent deletion from the network.

    Option 1 (Recommended): Close The Account Through Settings

    The member should Login to modelisto, go to Settings > Close Account.

    Members who have forgotten their password can request a reminder at the Login Page.

    Option 2: Externally Remove the wiki

    Members who have permanently lost their access to the email used upon registration can remove externally their wiki as Owner's Request as described in the wiki removal instructions. This will cause the wiki to be set in removal state and be scheduled for permanent deletion.

    Option 3: Contact Modelisto

    Members who are having trouble removing their page using the previous automated methods, can send an email at requesting the removal of their page. It should be noted that in this case there will be an additional delay compared to the previous automated methods.

    After the removal the account will be locked and scheduled for deletion within a few days.

    The process is automatic and all of the related data in Modelisto will be erased.

    Images in Search Engines

    Once the photos are deleted from the network, Google, Bing and other Search Engines will stop showing any image related to the professional. Search Engines clear their search results within 7 to 30 days.